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Fluxbox Community Chat

Join our chat room and start talking right away. Don’t ask if you may ask. Write down hat you want to tell or need to know and wait until somebody responds. Don’t expect an immediate answer, if the channel really seems dead, just leave the chat window open for hours or come back later and ask again. There are always about 70 users online, but most of them don’t disconnect even when they go to sleep, sooner or later, someone will talk to you back.

Please be polite and keep in mind that people here hang out for fun and nobody gets payed for what he does here.

If you’re still reading this, you probably already wait for an answer there… Well then, go read something useful, there’s the FAQ-Section, there are Man-Pages, browse the wiki, search the web.

If you want to paste some configuration file, code snippet, whatever, if it’s more than 2 lines, please use or or or one of the other 10000 web-paste-services

chat window

zadnja promjena: sillyslux utorak, 25. travanj 2017 23:57