Getting Help


There is this Wiki, obviously, it has a search button in the top navigation bar to help you find contents here.
If you learn something that’s not yet documented, please consider to become a contributer.

Usual Suspects

Fluxbox comes with local documentation, so called man-pages.
A general search on the internet might be an unexpected advice, but if you search hard enough you will find anything and everything, even some quite old and yet still helpful gems.
Stackoverflow has a lot on fluxbox too.

Community Forums

There is no forum dedicated specifically to Fluxbox, but most distributions have a forum and you will usually get good advice there. Arch, Debian

Fluxbox Community Chat

Join our chat room and start talking right away.
There are always ~70 users online, but most of them never disconnect and are not necessarily sitting at their computers right now, also, if somebody has no answer, he probably won’t tell you that he doesn’t know and rather stay quiet, therefore:
just post you question in the channel and don’t expect a quick answer.
Then you wait and wait and wait, if you get no response at all, come back an other time or day.
Please be polite and keep in mind that people here hang out for fun and nobody gets payed for what he does.

Once online you can write /join ##linux in the chat and it will take you to the more frequented, general linux channel.

To paste code, configuration-files or whatever, always use or or

Github Issues

If you’re sure that you have encountered a real bug, you can create an issue at fluxbox’s sourceforge repository.

last modified: sillyslux Tuesday, April 25, 2017 11:57 PM