GTK/X11 Dialog Boxes

There are no Fluxbox dialog boxes and there’s no need for that, in your distribution’s package repository look out for:

  • xmessage
  • zenity
  • yad

Pretty sure there are even more options.

Use one of these with a bash script and call it from the Fluxbox menu or with a keyboard shortcut.


bash script: yad shutdown menu

#! /bin/bash

action=$(yad --width 300 --entry --title "System Logout" \
    --window-icon=gnome-shutdown \
    --image=gnome-shutdown \
    --button="gtk-ok:0" --button="gtk-close:1" \
    --text "Choose action:" \
    --entry-text \
    "Logout" "Reboot" "Power Off")

[[ $ret -eq 1 ]] && exit 0

case $action in
    Logout*) cmd="killall fluxbox" ;;
    Reboot*) cmd="sudo /sbin/reboot" ;;
    Power*) cmd="sudo /sbin/poweroff" ;;
            *) exit 1 ;;

eval exec $cmd
zenity  --list  --text "System Shutdow" --radiolist  --column "" --column "" TRUE shutdown FALSE reboot FALSE suspend FALSE hibernate --hide-header --title "System Shutdown"
xmessage "Are you sure you want to shut down your computer?" -title "Take action" -default "Cancel" -buttons "Cancel":1,"Reboot":2,"Shutdown":3 -
print -nearmouse
last modified: sillyslux Tuesday, April 25, 2017 11:57 PM